ELB-117 Valve Greasing


This SOP is to instruct a Prep Technician on how to properly grease a gate valve.


This SOP covers the lubrication process from properly greasing the inside of the valve bore


Before greasing a valve the technician should make sure that he is wearing safety glasses, steel toe boots and rubber chemical gloves.


Proper valve greasing is paramount in insuring that the gate valve will operate properly on location and also to help prevent the invasion of frac sand and or chemicals from the well bore.


  1. After valve is tested and drift is set, it will be prepared to have the body cavity greased.
  2. Open valve with 1 inch opening in bore. Do Not open valve too far. That will cause it to pressure up.
  3. Standard valves that close in a “Downward” direction will be greased from the top grease fitting. All reverse gate valves will be greased from the bottom grease fitting (Fitting on the stem protector side).
  4. Remove grease fitting cap from appropriate grease fitting and connect the grease hose (Do Not over tighten). Then put a bleed off tool on opposite grease fitting and make sure that it is open.
  5. Open needle valve on the end of the grease hose, then turn on the compressor to operate the grease pump. (Pay close attention to the gauge on the grease pump. If pressure goes above and stays above 6,000 psi without fluctuation, turn off air, bleed off pump to zero and check for restrictions. If air to pump is on and the pump is stroking rapidly with little or no pressure on the gauge, there is no grease in the drum.
  6. When grease is being pumped into the valve it is displacing water. There should be a stream of water flowing from the valve bore.
  7. Pay close attention to valve bore, but make sure your face is Not directly in front of bore. When good grease begins to appear in the bore and out of the bleeder tool, the valve is successfully greased.
  8. Close needle valve on the end of the grease hose.
  9. Turn off compressor to the grease pump and roll up the grease hose.
  10. Before putting valve in the ready line be sure to grease the non-ball screw and ball screw valves.
  11. Make sure that all the grease zerts are clean and free of debris. If any are damages then change them out.
  12. Pump grease into the grease zert while operating the hand wheel all the way open and all the way closed.


  • Load out forms (ELB-1xx.x)
  • Customer Specification Drawings
  • ELB-113 Shop Router
  • ELB-118 Marathon Approved Stack Grease Procedure
  • ELB-119 EVS Marathon Stack Grease Procedure

This article was last modified: Nov. 5, 2018, 6:03 p.m.

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