Equipment Dispatching Procedure
Dispatching Procedure
Receiving an Order from a Customer
- When a call comes in from a customer the first thing that needs to be done is to make sure that we have the equipment to cover the job.
- Shop personnel will go review what we have in the yard and make the determination as to whether or not we can cover the job. If we cannot, it will be up to management as to whether or not we will sub-rent equipment to fill in the gaps.
- Once it is determined we can cover the job shop personnel will let the salesman or dispatcher (whoever took the call) that we are a go for taking the job.
Customer Load Out
- Once the job is accepted, a customer Load Out Sheet is filled out and given to shop personnel, the loadout sheet includes a diagram of the equipment to be shipped out, as well as a line by line item list of pieces needed to fill the order.
- Shop personnel use the load out sheet to build the order and list the assets that are to be sent out on the job, everything down to the number of studs and nuts is listed on the Load Out Sheet.
- Once the order is built and the equipment is in the staging area, the Shop Foreman and Management go through the Loadout Sheet line by line while physically checking that each piece of equipment is accounted for in the staging area and nothing is missing or defective.
- Once everything is accounted for and checked, the Loadout Sheet is then used to transfer the asset numbers listed on it onto a handwritten delivery ticket.
Handwritten Delivery Ticket
- Yard Personnel will fill out the Handwritten Delivery Ticket using the information from the loadout sheet.
- The handwritten Delivery ticket will have all pertinent information on it (i.e. company, lease & well, ordered by, ship date, etc.)
- The handwritten delivery ticket is posted on the correct company ticket board on Slack, the yellow copy is to be turned in to office along with the Load Out Sheet to be put in the system, and the white and pink copies will be sent out for signature by customer, signed white copy will be turned back into office to be put on file and pink copy is for the customer's records.
Document Filing
- The Loadout Sheet and Yellow copy of the Handwritten Delivery Ticket will be filed in the job file after it is entered into the system.
- Once the white copy of the Handwritten Delivery Ticket is returned, it too is placed in the job file as record of the customer receiving the equipment shipped.