ELB-118 Blowout Preventor Testing Process
1. Purpose
This document details Exact BOP Solutions’ BOP testing Process.
2. Scope
Pressure testing operations in the shop and field.
3. Prerequisites
A visual inspection must be done to all equipment prior to pressure testing to access any defects that may make pressure testing unsafe. Before pressure testing it is imperative to know the manufactures capacity. All surfaces should be visually inspected looking for cracks or damage that may lead to hard spots or leaks.
4. Responsibilities
Pressure testing will only be done by designated personnel that have been trained in the full use of the testing equipment and have a good general knowledge of the equipment being tested.
5. Procedure
Once the required information is available a full test must be done before any equipment is ready for a job. A full test includes:
- Body Test
- Sealing element test(s)
The tests will be recorded on a chart and the following information will be recorded on the chart after the test:
- Asset number of the equipment being tested (noted above each test on the chart)
- Name of the test technician
- Date of the test(s)
- Signature of the Supervisor
All equipment will be tested to 100% of the lowest rated equipment. Testing to over 100% of the manufactures rating is strictly prohibited unless requested in writing by the customer prior to the job and approval is received . Test documentation will be filed and sent upon request by the customer. The test technician will sign and date the appropriate load out form after completion of the test(s)
Inspecting the BOP
- Wash BOP thoroughly.
Visually inspect the entire BOP (Including ram blocks) for damages.
- All door seals, Top Seals and Ram rubbers need to be replaced every time.
- Clean and inspect ring groove and according to ELB-113, then place a new ring gasket in the ring groove and nipple up test flange or stump.
- Clean and inspect Bonnet seal ring grooves for damage or pitting.
Preparing the BOP for testing
- Loosen all grease fitting caps.
- Fill the BOP up with water and close the blinds.
- Hook up the test hose to the bottom of the test stump to test the bottom of the blinds.
- On a test chart, fill out all required info then place the test chart on the recorder.
- Check the test recorder to make sure it has been certified within 11 months.
- Test Bops with the correct size of pipe that is going to be used. Flex rams need to be tested with both sizes of pipe that are going to be used.
Testing the BOP
- Pressure up the BOP to 250psi.
- Visually inspect for any leaks and hold pressure for 5 minutes.
- Pressure up the BOP to 50% rated working pressure.
- Visually inspect for any leaks and hold pressure for 5 minutes.
- Pressure up the BOP to 100% of rated working pressure.
- Visually inspect for any leaks and hold pressure for 5 minutes.
- Bleed pressure off to zero.
- Open up the blinds and install correct size test mandrel (refer to customer load out sheet)
- Close pipe rams on test mandrel and repeat steps 12-18
After the test
- Have the QC Manager check and initial the chart for compliance.
- Put a green tag on BOP saying it was successfully tested with date and name of tester.
- Take hoses off, remove test flange and remove BOP from stump.
- If the BOP does not pass test in any aspect, fill out the router ELB-114. (See complete disassembly ELB-115 and reassembly procedure ELB-116).
- If the BOP does test, fill out router ELB-114 and turn over router to disassembly department (See complete disassembly ELB-115 and reassembly procedure ELB- 116).
6. References
ELB-1xx.x Load Out book
ELB-121 Torqueing Procedures
ELB-113 Ring Groove Inspection
7. Attachments
BOP Testing Procedures [112.0 KB]